  1. Our Time


Our Time
By David Husted

Listening to an old song
Made on an old four track player
That old cassette tape
Hiss, fizz, click and waver
Holding back my sweet melodies

But in my mind's eye
guitar don’t sound so bad
I hear more high end, yea,
It's coming in clearer now
Nothing gonna hold back my sweet melodies

Listening to an old song
Made on an old four track player
That old cassette tape
Hiss, fizz, click and waver
Holding back my sweet melodies

This is our time


With a little less running on empty now
That tape hiss, click, fizz is
Something I actually mix in
It just feels better
Just a touch for a new song's edge


And when my mind hisses like a old cassette tape
or a VHS or crackling short wave, don’t give in; live through it
This is our time


when that new dawn follows you
Throwing paint against that wall
Could be crap; it could be art
Like a Lost and hungry dog
gnaws your pant leg; starts to growl
Until a melody


And through this new song
This World don’t look so bad
I hear more high end, in it too
It's coming in clearer Than my old tapes ever do
Our time