Song Journal Portal

Word of the Day: Parturition 

"Parturition" refers to the process of giving birth or childbirth. It is the act of labor and delivery in mammals.

As the cat prepared for parturition, the family dog looked on with an expression that clearly said, "And you thought I made a mess!"




I ran across this word recently at the end of Part 2 Chapter 1 of this novel and it stuck with me:

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay


Dave's Random Song From the Catalogue Offering #6: Laugh Seurat 

Dave's Random Song From the Catalogue Offering #6: Laugh Seurat

I have all my songs listed in a spreadsheet which I randomize. Today's shuffle brought up a song that resides on my album Perfect Storm which was released on 31 March 2018.  Some deeper background on the song can be found here. It is definitely in my top ten for favorite songs from my catalogue. I had recently read an article about an artist known as Georges Seurat  and was also learning about midi sequencing  techniques in my Ableton Live DAW. These two things influenced this particular song's development process.

Thank You



photo and material references: 

(1), 04 October). Jason Grier: Download his unique sound library. Blog. Retrieved from 

(2) Wikipedia.Georges Seurat. Retrieved from


Poem of the Week: The Year: Ella Wheeler Wilcox 

The Year

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

What can be said in New Year rhymes,
That's not been said a thousand times?

The new years come, the old years go,
We know we dream, we dream we know.

We rise up laughing with the light,
We lie down weeping with the night.

We hug the world until it stings,
We curse it then and sigh for wings.

We live, we love, we woo, we wed,
We wreathe our brides, we sheet our dead.

We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear,
And that's the burden of the year.







Dave's Random Song From the Catalogue Offering #5: In the Dust of this Planet 

Dave's Random Song From the Catalogue Offering #5: In the Dust of this Planet

I have all my songs listed in a spreadsheet which I randomize. Today's shuffle brought up a song which I created over 9 years ago called In the Dust of this Planet

I first came across the phrase “In the Dust of This Planet” while listening to a Radiolab podcast episode which you can check out HERE. I liked and still like how it roles in a most ominous way off the tongue. Sadly, it is true too if we humans ever actually take our heads out of the collective sand. However, my intent here is not to be a downer so I will move on. 

This phrase attraction and an audio clip of geese flying overhead eventually coalesced into a full song. I would produce this song especially the drums very differently today. The transitions are rough. I learned much during this particular song development process. I recall it took quite a bit of time to make but I loved every minute of it, boils and all. 

This song can be found on the album of the same name which I released on 1 DEC 2015. It was my second album. Production learning curve….. steep. 

Thank You


The Muse: Glide My Friends 

I began work on a new song on or around 28 June 2024.  I listened to several Spotify playlists with songs that were giving me some “goosebumps”. That is usually a sign I may be moving into my music creation zone take-off point. I picked several songs I really liked and honed in on a particular song from a playlist called Indie Pop/Rock|Discoveries by the Daily Dose. The song was call Reckless Careless by Seth Gauton. He seems to be a young, largely unknown artist. I know nothing else about him and had never heard of him prior to my somewhat random song discovery. I wish him much success in the future. BTW I did follow him on Spotify as my Thank You note. 

Anyway, I digress, I used his song as my reference track. I like to often use a reference track #1 for final balance and mixing reasons but also #2 as a means to emulate a song vibe and feel I am after. I did this most recently on a song I created with Ed Bejzak called Even Fail. We used a song by the Eels called Daisies Through Concrete. The final song I create is always very, very different from the reference but it is always interesting to me to look back and see if I hit the genre tone and swing I was after. My end product usually does not…ok…perhaps it hints at it…you can judge.

Once I have the song, I carefully listen and dissect it. This is when I often fall into my creation cauldron and deep dive into a swirling tidal twilight zone of music painting. I can disappear for hours at a time if I have the space that enables this. Fourth of July long hot weekends work perfectly fine. I may go into more specifics of my music making craft in future write-ups but I do realize this is often interesting only to ardent DIY music creation dabblers. 

Well, my blog  grows long today so I will soon bring this to a close.  You can compare Seth Gauton's song Reckless Careless to my new song once I release it.  I did successfully complete my song on 6 July 24 but you will not likely hear it for many, many moons as I will be letting it sink into my simmer pile to stew for a bit.  My simmering process may be another worthy article topic in and of itself.

The new song's current working title is Glide and it has to do with an "almost" lucid dream I had several months ago in which I found myself able to run along a city street but also lift up my feet and glide for long distances. Essentially floating above the surface; skipping for longer and longer distances. It was very cool, especially the part where I realized I could control this (the lucid part).

As I reflect back on my long weekend, I am once again, reminded how lucky I am indeed to be able to create music, have wonderful family around me and the time and means to play in total creative freedom. This space must also be coupled with a burning, relentless and focused prioritization of the creation process.  I try not to take this for granted. I thank the mysterious universe for this boon of interest, space, time and means.

BTW…if you would like to hear a snippet of my latest song creation called Glide just let me know. I'd be happy to share the rough draft with the curious. Otherwise, you can expect final release some time, hopefully, in the not to distant future. I have a few more songs simmering in the stew I will be now turning my attention to. More on my next song release plans in my next upcoming music journal entry. This write-up serves as a personal anchor point to remind me of the time and place a new song came into being >> Welcome to the world "Glide".

Thank You All and Peace





Photo by Apostolos Vamvouras