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Elvis Bowie 

Amazing news! Reports are out that Elvis Bowie will be featured as lead vocalist on Dave's upcoming album release called Many Faces on 15 APR 22!  This is truly astounding news! This means that somehow Dave and Elvis made amends and agreed to let bygones be bygones. The photo below was smuggled out of a recent top secret recording session and captures a rare moment of Bowie actually smiling at the camera.

The impact of this will likely be felt throughout the world, if not the solar system.  Ready your engines!


I Wish You All the Happiness in the World. 

My New Song called Garden was released today!  Find it on any of your favorite streaming platforms!

I finished my final editing touches to my music video version of the song last night and I am now ready to share that as well.  See Below.

Garden is about happiness. Probably a dangerous subject to tackle given the time we live in but that is just where the creative juices flowed when I was noodling around with chord structures, rhythms and lyrics.

Tangential Story:

I participate in a music sharing group of friends that offer up songs that fit designated themes for a certain period of time.  Each week we listen and comment on the music.  Some of the categories have been such things as:

  • songs played live;
  • songs of artists singing cover songs;
  • songs with connections to geographic locations;
  • songs that deal with trouble in relationships;
  • songs that in some way reference travel or transportation;
  • songs and make you think of a specific media source

and many other and varied themes over time.  

We have been doing this for close to five years.  It's kind of a book club for music. Two songs are offered up for listening and comments per week.   Low work.  I can manage that. Yes, we are musical geeks.  Yes, it is fun.

By the way if you are interested in joining the group I am sure you can contact the musically obsessed Commissioner of Music at the following link to inquire: My Five Music

One of the latest My Five Music themes was on the subject of happiness.

The final mixing of my original song Garden happened to overlap when this category of My Five music was in play.  Strangely, the creation of the song itself was prior to this theme being announced.  It felt very synchronous to me. That is my story and I am sticking with it.

Garden touches on the subject of conditioned verse un-conditioned happiness. I hope you enjoy and I Wish You All the Happiness in the World.

Thank You




photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels




When you have done a complete re-mix of a song 10 times; it is time to stop.  

This particular creation will not be released for many months.  It will ferment in the vault for awhile on its own.

I write this now so I have a future memory of this moment when the mixing plant was shut down.

Free Climb.  Coming to a theatre near you in FY23.








Photo by RANJAN SIMKHADA from Pexels

SteamPunkPondering is Back! 

Rumors are running un-checked that Dave is working to bring the old gang back to feature on his new album. First we heard that he lured fiery guitar legend Lars "Bedhead"  back into the fold with a lucrative contract and plenty of jellybeans.  Lars is known to get distracted quickly so we will see how long Dave can keep him focused on the riffs and out of the jar. 

Now we are getting reports that bass legend SteamPunkPondering might be coming out of the lab.  Yes, SPP is apparently pondering taking off his astrophysicist hat for a couple months and putting the top hat back on.  He says his SteamPunk, mosh-pit, platinum record days may be over but he still has a couple more stellar bass lines to lay down before he turns back to the stars and rockets back into the unified field.

Wow, that's almost the whole crew.  There is just one more member of this hat trick plus one to bring it all home.  It will never happen.  We all know that infamous fourth member and Dave vowed never to talk to him again after that disastrous final tour culminating in the unfortunate incident with pastry Chef Ramoneesh and the eclairs.  BUT!...if this happens, if Dave can pull this off,  it would be epic dude.  The air is on fire with anticipation.  Stay Tuned!!

Oh, so you're a psychologist now too? 

I have a new song scheduled to be released on 18 March 2022. The song is about how we filter our world through different lenses of perception and how different people can draw far different emotional response from largely the same input depending on how it sifts through that rat's nest of programming we call a brain.  Quite a heady topic and I do not pretend to be an expert but this appears to have infused the lyrics that percolated up out of my sub-conscious during the song development period.   The song was created many months ago and I found this quote in my project notes which I may very likely have been referencing. 

"If you observe a really happy man, you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden, or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that has rolled under a radiator.” (W. Beran Wolfe, How To Be Happy Though Human) 

Thank You and have a great weekend.  







Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Lars "Bedhead" Kickassis 

So excited to have famous Brit Rock guitarist Lars "Bedhead" Kickassis from "Spray Riot" join me to lay down some serious riffs and rips during an upcoming live studio session. He says he is finally off probation, out of rehab and ready to jam.  This will really turn the album up a notch as I make final punch-in edits and tweaks prior to release!  What an honor and treat!! 

Thanks Lars!


Dionysian Wink 

I completed the rough draft of a new song today. This podcast provides a demo of the main riff section which was sound designed using two tracks and two fast synth leads as starter material which I tweaked to match the song needs.  They both had different, cool and complimentary timbres.  One is off my Kurzweil called fifty-fifty lead and the other is a Native Instrument sound called Evolve/Analog Vari-Pad.  They scream along nicely.  What do you think?  

The song itself will most likely be published in about 8 months as I have other songs in the queue ahead of it now.    I was having a blast with a software called Melodyne which can change your voice characteristics. This is not featured in the demo but suffice to say I laid it on way too strong while developing the song.  It was so much fun to play around with my voice, I did get carried away with it probably to the song's detriment.  Oh well.  Sometimes you just must play and learn as you go. 



Photo by Luiz M. Santos from Pexels


We are foreign to ourselves.  There are times when we seem to be sleep walking through our daily lives, superficially skating along the surface, strangers to our motives and desires, to our own actions, which we do not recognize or comprehend.  We coast along until an old saying, or a phrase from long forgotten song, or a poem itself suddenly wells up and shocks us awake.  We are startled back into authenticity, into deeper and truer relationship to our inner lives, into a greater feeling for the genuine mysteries of the different realms we inhabit.  I believe we should treasure these words like a talisman, since they deliver and restore us to ourselves.

Edward Hirsh


Tea Anyone?


Video in Development for Bough 

I am developing a video to accompany my new song called Bough.  The video medium is a cool way to apply visual interest to music.  I have been doing it for most of my songs lately.  I hope to release this video on the same day that my song is released to all the streaming platforms.  I would show you a snippet of the video now but Bandzoogle will not let me show video material that is not already officially published to Youtube.  Oh well.  This cool video camera I bought on eBay (see picture) seems a bit clunky; I can't find the USB port.  The free popcorn that came in the box was a bit stale too.  Oh well.

Good Night



Photo by Küflü Çıkın from Pexels

Get ready!  

Dave created a fresh Spotify playlist this week!

Bough has been finalized for digital distribution and is about to be delivered to digital platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, Instagram, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, Deezer, Pandora, and 150+ more. 

Each of those services has a unique timeline for processing new releases but hopefully it will correlate with Dave's desired release date of 01 OCT 21

What should you do BEFORE Dave's music is available? 

Now is the time to get everything ready to listen to Dave's new single.

Create your perfect listening space in your home so when the magic of the song hits your ears you will be transported to a fantastic happy space more efficiently.

Make sure you have paid your Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora or favorite music stream platform monthly bill.  You do not want to miss your opportunity to stream this break-through masterpiece when it hits the streets.

Start exercising now. I recommend a daily 3 mile run and some light resistance workouts up until 01 OCT 21. This will put your body in peak physical condition to deeply immerse in the song and energize all your chakras as a bonus.

Buy a tuxedo or wear a gown.  This music will make you feel like a king or queen so you should dress the part.

Keep that Champagne chilling and get ready to celebrate. 


Dave's Support Team



photo by Cottonbro at Pexels


My next song is called Bough.  I am in the final stages of distribution prep and publishing.  I am trying to decide on what my cover art will look like.  The song is about those universal themes of love, loss and cherished memories. I have narrowed it down to three images which I show in the short silent youtube clip on my latest blog here.  If you have any preference, you are welcome to share with me by simply replying to this email or posting your comment on my blog. I am all ears and your feedback is most welcome. Thank you and I wish you all the very best.  I have also posted a new playlist on Spotify here. 

Happy Labor Day Weekend!! 





photo by Felix Mittermeier

Still Dancing on Tea Leaves I see 


I have a Thing 1 and a Thing 2  

Thing 1:  I have completed a rough draft demo of a new song.  It does indeed have a slight Stones guitar vibe in one section of the song. I'll call it the post chorus section for now.  During this post chorus I also sing a string of non sensical howling sounds well out of my range.  What fun.  I share them with you here as a taste test for your enjoyment and/or torture.  This song is now ready to be placed in the simmer pile to be returned to in probably a couple of months to re-listen, tweak, re-mix, if necessary, and then placed in the mastering kiln.  This seems to be my creative process flow.  I do not know why; it just is. "Still Dancing on Tea Leaves, I see". 

Song Snippet

Thing 2: I am edging closer to my next formal song release. This process generally takes about a month or two to complete, sometimes longer.  The video snippet provides a small hint of the single title.  Fun Fact: This particular song demo was drafted almost one year ago. Stay tuned for more on this song in future Blogs as I proceed through the release process.

Have a Great Weekend All!.




Video by Julia Repnikova from Pexels

photograph by Ricardo Esquivel


The submarine has been "Canvasized" 

I made a Spotify Canvas of my new song Submarine.  This is a short snippet of video clip less the 8 seconds long that makes the experience of streaming a particular song on Spotify (in this case my song Submarine) a bit more interesting.  Check it out on Spotify.  I tried it on one of my earlier song's as well a couple of months ago and may add others over time.  The process to do this is fairly time intensive but I am starting to get the hang of it.  The key is to find video software that will allow you to make a 9 by 16 frame.  That is the size of a Smart Phone screen and that is the only type of hardware a Spotify Canvas will play on.  I found some freeware online to assist me in this journey. I still needed my iMovie to make the video itself and then I uploaded a shorter snippet of my work to the freeware to size it for Spotify (yes, kind of a pain).   So you are out of luck if you are using a web browser to stream Spotify music for the time being. Ok,  that is all from me and look for the drop of my new song on streaming platforms on 9 July 21 or get it now through any of the means I provide on this website (My home site anchor point).

Thank You



Photo by Lorena Martínez from Pexels

Channel that inner Freak 

Fresh Playlist this week!

Last weekend I gathered with some long-time friends and we played some live music garage band style.  What a blast.  We dusted off some old originals, played a few covers and re-remembered some blasts from the past: "You can play along satisfy the they, meet the right people, say the right words, you'll be on your way hey hey".  I hope they figure out that last chord ; ).  Probably a D.   Anyway, some fine brews, good conversation and the barley wine and port next to a camp fire capped the night off nicely.  Here's to good friends....Cheers.

I am beginning to prep my next song for final mastering.  It is an odd one that I have been hesitating on finishing and/or releasing to the public.  Why? I am just not sure that it's ready for prime time and I second guess myself.  However, I am also done tinkering with it and I must move onward.   So, because it is odd I will share it.  It will most likely be a song that will help glue my next album together somehow.  It will be necessary, and therefore beautiful.   It is called Freak.  It is a shout out to all those who may have felt they were outsiders, misfits or never quite good enoughs during their younger years or perhaps even today. You all rock and you all are enough.  Hang in there. You are beautiful just the way you are.

I will release this one with out much pre-release chatter or fanfare.  I am told this is not smart but I was never good with this pre-release crap anyway.  It will just appear from the void one day.  I hope you find it and I hope it brings out your inner Freak too.



Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels


Quote of the Week: Chance and Probability 

“[it’s] supposed to be unpredictable, alive and undecipherable. It is controlled in a sense, but it is aleatoric... as long as you solidify the base, you’re then leaving things to chance – and leaving the possibility for catastrophe and anarchy is kind of ideal. I love that.”....Mika Levi

My mind swirls about the potentials of more chance and probability in my music.  


Spotify Movement 

Spotify has this new feature where you can upload a very short clip (less than 8 sec) to create some movement on your songs.  I am not sure how valuable this is but I do understand anything that moves catches peoples attention more than something static.  The process took too long for me to learn.  I am a slow learner.  But, it was fun and I applied it to two songs as an initial experiment.  Perhaps I will apply it to more over time; who knows?  The songs I tried it out on are my latest single: Camotose and a song I made over 2 years ago called: FiftyThree Degrees.

If you happen to find yourself on Spotify, feel free to check it out, however, it only works on phones for some reason not on desktops.  This seems a bit silly to me but that is just how it works

Here is a link to Spotify for those curious.

Thanks and have a great weekend.




Playlists and Podcasts 

Greetings, I have created a podcast on Pandora radio that discusses the making of my latest album "Your Corners Curve Like Lemonade".  I understand that many of you do not use Pandora but for those who do here is a link to the podcast:  Pandora Radio Podcast

I am also excited to announce that I recently completed a new song called "Wave".  I am still making final mixing and mastering tweaks on this but I hope to release it some time in the next three weeks.  Here is a snippet of the song to wet the appetite. Just click this link:  Waves

Also, feel free to check out some of my Spotify playlists which you can find at the top of my home page here at this link: Home Top.   It features some of the music that caught my ear this week and I update it about once every two or three weeks.  The inspiration for my own music comes from things happening in my life, the world around me and also through the music I listen to.  I find this music on my own but also through friends like you.  Thank You for sharing a moment with me in my music development journey.  I appreciate you and please let me know what you are listening yourself.  Sharing makes the world go round. Thanks Again.......Dave


Album Number Five: Your Corners Curve Like Lemonade 


Over the last two years I have created and shared 9 original songs with you. I plan to now place these already released singles into an album format. I guess I am old school that way. I expect to release this album on 4 September 2020.  One of my singles was called "Your Corners Curve Like Lemonade".  It was such a strange title that I just couldn't resist making it the name of the album itself!   

Since I have released this music already as singles, most of you have already heard these particular creations.  However, I also remain busy cobbling away at new music and have several in the final stages of forging.    I hope to share these new creations with you soon.  Stay Tuned and Thank You for sharing in the music making process with me.  Knowing your ears are out there listening warms my heart.  I appreciate your support!

Have a Fantastic Weekend 🤟   


Trout Fishing In America 

Excuse me, I said. I thought you were a trout stream. 

I'm not, said the 0.1%" 

 David Husted 



I plan to release my new song about "Trout Fishing in America" on Friday, 19 June 2020. 

I happened to surf across an article about Richard Brautigan. I found the story mildly interesting. The article's author was writing about a recent biography that had come out about Brautigan.  The  picture he painted of the man did not seem flattering.  In fact, he made him sound like a real misogynistic, drunken asshole which I am sure he very well may have been.  However, what caught my eye in his write-up was a reference to Brautigan's book called "Trout Fishing in America".  

I recall chuckling at the way the article's author stated Brautigan used the phrase "trout fishing" or "trout stream" in ways that made the reader double-take. Some of the book's cultural popularity was misleadingly due to that title's use in the more conventional sense. However, Brautigan would personify the phrase "trout fishing" onto people or places or things throughout the book. This was un-conventional for the time and trippy to me. It created a sort of ear-worm of magic on me during my own song development process. It was a needed hit of hippie, beat generation, creative juice just in the nick of time. The trout stream which had been simmering for close to a year was dusted off, revised and finally completed.  

This song may be about my ongoing discontent with the state of our world. It may be about my deep conviction that we can and will do better. It may be about my general state of happiness despite the world we live in. It may be about trout fishing in America.  

Thank You for sharing a moment with me. I appreciate your friendship as I continue to cobble my musical creations together one trout fish at a time. 

Here's to you with much gratitude. 



A walk through a Perfect Storm 

I hope you are having a great weekend! 

I recently experimented with a playlist feature on the popular Pandora Music Streaming Platform that allows a curator to add commentary to a chosen playlist.  To experiment with this I used an earlier album I created called Perfect Storm as my playlist.    

Playlist curation provides a different music listening experience and is kind of like the audio track you can turn on as you watch a movie where the director is explaining the film in more detail as the movie proceeds.  Only in this case I am not talking over the song, I am talking just prior to the song.  I call my playlist "A walk through a Perfect Storm" 




If you already use Pandora you should be able to find it once inside the Pandora site by searching on David Husted Playlist .  You can also try this link:  "A walk through a Perfect Storm".   If you do not currently use Pandora you may have to register to enter the site first.  It is free to join.   Let me know what you think? Also let me know if you have trouble accessing the link. This was an experiment for me and I am still learning; I appreciate your help and insights. 

Additional Notes:  Since the playlist appears to be a premium feature of the site you will also have to watch a brief ad similar to what Youtube does to engage the premium feature for free.  I also noted it kicks you out of the playlist halfway through if you are a free user of the site (like me) because it is probably based on time duration.  In this case you will have to simply find the playlist again by searching David Husted Playlist in the site to re-engage it.   

Thank You for sharing a moment with me. 




OUR TIME (new song release in two weeks) 


Here is an update on my latest musical meanderings. 

I used to make original music on an old four-track player. It is so interesting to listen back and to hear how "bad" this music sounded (tape hiss and warble) when referenced against "today's" digital environment standards. However, these weaknesses also had a tremendous endearing quality to my ears and I attempted to capture that sentiment in my new song called "Our Time". The song has a nostalgic feel upfront and then transitions into an uplifting and moving arrangement at the end. 

The song will be available to stream on Spotify in two weeks and I am hoping it will get on a Spotify Playlist (Release Radar or other) to reach more ears but this is probably a long shot. 

Once it releases you all will be the first to know.  Thank You for sharing a moment with me and I hope you are having a great day! 



            Here is a link to my song Fifty Three Degrees

            The image above provides a visual representation of my song's structure.  The bright green strip across the middle of the image above is a very cool sounding synth pattern that travels the length of the song.  You can clearly hear its mesmerizing tones in the intro to the song.   This pattern became its backbone with the drum/bass, in red, a prominent second supporting structure.  The pattern never stops except for one small break in the middle. A sequence that does not change throughout the entirety of a song is dangerous but a challenge I love to work with.   

             I was able to accomplish this by slowly building the tension as the song progressed, adding various instruments  to dance with the backbone and various "sweetener" effects in yellow  to add dissonance and further play with the tension.  I especially like the addition of the guitar (in pink) to the chorus which used an amp pre-set called "Cheap Combo" that just worked for me. My vocals are shown in blue and mostly organically formed out of the rhythms and mood I was feeling emanating from the main chord structure and rhythms.   This song has a darkish atmosphere and a fair amount of edginess.   My vocals have more delay than usual because that's just what I was feeling when I wrote the lyrics.  

             I love to look back at my project after all the pain and joy of creation is over.  The image you see above is an end state and I promise you that the formation state was much uglier, full of wrong turns and plenty of dead ends.  The song you hear was cultivated out of the murky soup of my mind and all the particular content blowing through my skull at that particular moment.   With every turn I also make new musical discoveries that bring sparkle to the process and a never ending sense of wonder and delight to me.  Some of the names of my sweetener sounds make me chuckle; "Echo's ill factor", "Demon Choir" , "Ash Decay" and "Squawk Box" and I'll leave it to you to pick them out of the song as you listen to it. 

             This song was called "Sirens" as that is a frequent repeated phrase in the chorus.  However, I have discovered that about a million other artist also have a song named "Sirens"  Therefore, as of this very second of writing,  I have decided to rename the song "Fifty Three Degrees" just because I feel like it.  How is that for creative license.   


             Until next time; Happy Creating and Thanks for Listening!  




Hello! and welcome to 2017! 

I have finally completed final masters of my last ten original songs and have compiled them into a full length album.  I am using CDBaby as a means to digitally distribute my music to stores like iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, Google Play, Tidal, Deezer, and dozens more.   I have also used a company called DiscMakers to create some "physical" CD versions of the music.    

For a limited time if you join my mailing list (see Home Page) I will send you a FREE download of the album "It Takes One Drop".  Here is a link that shows what the a physical copy of the CD looks like in "3D":

3D Image of CD

Thank You  
